Recent Posts by Jenni Duke


2020 Print Design Trends: The Top 5 You Need to Know

Researching the latest trends in print and graphic design is the first step in ensuring you're staying on top of client's changing needs. Keeping your finger on the pulse of what's popular enables you to anticipate how customer’s asks are going to change and how you can begin to make changes for the year ahead. With this in mind, here are the top five design trends you need to know.

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SumnerOne Employee Spotlight: 5Qs with Garry Mayberry

How well do you know your coworkers? Here at SumnerOne, we pride ourselves on being a company that values family, and we strive to extend that value to how we treat our fellow employees. With that in mind, and in a hope to build on those values, we’ve decided to introduce you to one of our SumnerOne family coworkers each month.

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[Infographic] Navigating the Dangerous World of Cyberattacks

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting electronic data and systems from a cyberattack. Having a robust cybersecurity framework is vital to protect sensitive information. Sadly, almost 50% of businesses have already experienced a cyberattack. Of that 50%, nearly 1 in 4 suffered significant damage or loss to their own or public data. The IT landscape may be a rough sea full of black hat pirates, but fortunately, stronger sailors are made through awareness and education.

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Searching for “Managed IT near me?” Here’s what to look for

Here at SumnerOne, since it’s early in the year, we’re thinking a lot about trends for 2020—and beyond—and how they’ll affect our customers in the small business and corporate spaces alike. We recently wrote about making time to create business resolutions and how to implement a mobile workplace strategy. There are several technology solution trends that we’ll be discussing in later blogs, but two trends that are exciting us right now are metamorphic design and corporate burnout.

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5 Benefits of Implementing a Mobile Workplace Strategy

4.7 million employees now work from home at least half the time. In fact, working from home has grown by 173% since 2005, 11% faster than the rest of the workforce and nearly 47x faster than the self-employed population, says a frequently updated trend report from Global Workplace Analytics. With such large growth, the numbers clearly speak to mutual benefits for both workers and employers. But what are some of those benefits? And, can you just send your employees away from the office—armed with smartphones and laptops—and say, “Go forth, mobile workforce! I’m sure you’ll be fine!” No, before employees and organizations can benefit from flexible working, certain tools need to be put in place to implement a mobile workplace strategy.

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Microsoft Windows 10 Security Flaw: What You Need to Know

New year, new ways for sophisticated cyber actors to exploit the vulnerabilities in our programs. Yesterday the National Security Agency (NSA) released a statement that they'd found a major security flaw in Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016/2019.

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5 Variable Data Printing Examples that will Help Your Customers

For businesses looking to enhance the personalization and targeting behind printed marketing content, variable data printing offers new, efficient, and high-value benefits that boost both commercial printers and their customers.

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