What's Behind the Snazzy New Look, SumnerOne?

You know those makeover shows where someone’s inner beauty is revealed with just a wardrobe upgrade and a bit of makeup? And, despite the fact that their friends and family loved them just the way they were, no one was sad to see the “old look” condemned to the garbage pile?  

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Introducing SumnerOne


If you read our Welcome, you know that we’re out to prove that we are the one place where everything works.  We have always known that our people can get the job done for our customers as they consult on, design, install and service our technology solutions.  But, something didn’t quite ring true in our promise: the one place? ONE? 

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Welcome to the One Place Where Everything Works: SumnerOne

We’ve been around for 62 years for one reason and one reason, only: the thing we really care about is you, our customer.  We don’t think of ourselves as a copier dealer, and two decades ago, we didn’t think of ourselves as a mimeograph vendor. We have survived and thrived in our industry because we are a service organization, one that is always trying to figure out how we make your life easier at work. 

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