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Calling for Backup - SumnerOne Celebrates World Backup Day

We live in a world where data is being created, stored, and shared every minute of every day. The data around us is essential, and it's critical that each of us do our part to make sure it doesn't go anywhere. World Backup Day is a designated day for users to learn more about the role data plays in our lives and why backing the information up is critical. Each year World Backup Day is observed on March 31st and serves as a great reminder that data loss isn't a joking matter.

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Announcing the Winner of The Worst Copier in KC - Giving the Basics!

While it may not be the most glamorous title to win, it does come with a few really great perks! For the past two months, SumnerOne has been searching the Kansas City area for “the worst” copier. In total, we heard from 28 organizations begging for the chance to not only win a brand new Canon MFP but the chance to celebrate their win by dropping their old hunk of junk from a 110 ft. tall crane at Union Station. In addition, SumnerOne will provide service and supplies for two years at no cost eliminating at least one headache for our lucky winner.

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Kicking off The Worst Copier in KC Contest 2018

If there’s one thing we’re passionate about at SumnerOne it’s keeping our customers up and running at peak efficiency. We know printers and copiers have a bad reputation of ruining your day but there’s something to be said for having the support of a great company behind your equipment to keep the headaches at bay.

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Tech Talk Presented by SumnerOne on The Big 550 KTRS

SumnerOne is pleased to announce our latest partnership with the Guy Phillips Show! This partnership comes with a fun twist, you can now tune in on Friday afternoons at 4:20 to The Big 550 KTRS (550AM) and listen to “Tech Talk” presented by SumnerOne!

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 All right…admit it. Who hasn’t wanted to go all Office Space on a misbehaving copier once or twice in their professional career? We’ve heard the desperation in peoples’ voices as they call our office begging for help with one of those rogue printers that showed up on someone’s desk and randomly decides to spew madness. So we thought we’d have a little fun with the idea and kick it up a notch in our Kansas City office while doing a bit of good for our local community with our 2nd Annual Worst Copier in KC event. Our aim was twofold: raise some serious cash for BIGGSteps for Cancer Prevention & replace KC's worst copier with a new Canon MFP valued at $10,000 plus 2 full years of copies and service at a local business in desperate need of a new copier.

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SumnerOne Celebrates the US Open

We’re launching the opening of our newly remodeled Technology Center with a celebration of the US Open!

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